Form A: System Configuration, Page 1
VMS Hunt Delay (#506) determines whether Automated Attendant Service answers calls
immediately (on the second ring) or after a delay (after the fourth ring). The VMS Hunt Delay
setting is specified on Form A Page 2.
If the mail system will have multiple Automated Attendants and not all Automated Attendants can
follow the same VMS Hunt Schedule and VMS Hunt Delay, you cannot use Group Call Distribution
(#206) Setting 1 to configure all of the Automated Attendants. In such cases, you can use one of the
following alternative methods:
Method 1:
Communications system feature: Group Call Distribution (#206) Setting 3.
Mail system features: Line Ownership, Automated Attendant mailbox.
Set Group Call Distribution (#206) to Setting 3 for the lines requiring Automated
Attendant service.
Create an Automated Attendant mailbox with the appropriate Class of Service (COS):
Automated Attendant 1
COS 15 or 21
Automated Attendant 2
COS 16 or 22
Automated Attendant 3
COS 17 or 23
Use the voice mail system’s Line Ownership feature to assign the Automated Attendant
mailbox as the owner of the line(s).
Result: The communications system will direct calls both day and night to the Automated
Attendant mailbox after four rings, Using this method, there is no way to send calls
immediately to the mailbox.
Method 2 (Available only for Release 4.0 and later communications systems):
Communications system features: Line Coverage Extension (#208), VMS Cover button, Do Not
Disturb button. This method requires a system telephone for each Automated Attendant.
Mail system feature: Automated Attendant mailbox.
Use Line Coverage Extension (#208) to assign the lines requiring Automated Attendant
Service to the system phone’s extension.
Assign a VMS Cover button and a Do Not Disturb button to the phone. Both of these
features must be assigned to buttons with lights.
Create an Automated Attendant mailbox for the extension:
Class of Service 15 or 21
Automated Attendant 1
Class of Service 16 or 22
Automated Attendant 2
Class of Service 17 or 23
Automated Attendant 3
Result: When the VMS Cover button is Off, calls will not be sent to the Automated Attendant.
When the VMS Cover button is On, calls will be sent to the Automated Attendant
mailbox. The status of the Do Not Disturb button will determine how quickly the calls
are sent. When the Do Not Disturb button is On, calls will be sent to the Automated
Attendant immediately. When the Do Not Disturb button is Off, calls will be sent to
the Automated Attendant after the number of rings specified with the VMS Cover
Rings (#117) feature.
Communications System Planning