General Mailbox
You Hear...
Step 10
One of the following actions occurs:
A match is found.
The matching name and extension
number, then a statement that the call
is being transferred. Repeat Step 8.
The letters match more than one Statement of the number of matches
found, then the matching names.
Go to Step 11.
No match is found.
Statement that no matches were found,
then prompt to enter an extension or
Group List. Repeat Step 8.
Step 11
Select the correct entry.
Extension number for future reference,
then rompt to enter an extension or
Group List. Repeat Step 8.
Step 12
Press [
] [
] ([
] [
]) to delete the
Next message header, if there are
original message if it is no longer
more messages; otherwise the Voice
needed, or press [
# ] to save the
Mail Activity Menu. Procedure is
General Mailbox