Single/Multiple Automated Attendant
Single/Multiple Automated Attendant
At a Glance
System Administration Menu
] System Parameters
[ 1 ] Single or Multiple Automated Attendant
] Single Automated Attendant
[ 2 ] Multiple Automated Attendants
Programmable by
System Administrator
Factory Setting
Single/Multiple Automated
Single Automated Attendant
Attendant Operation
Mail System Planning Form
You can have one or up to three separate Automated Attendants.
With Single Automated Attendant operation, there is one Day Main Menu and
one Night Main Menu. If you select Multiple Automated Attendant operation,
each Automated Attendant has its own Day and Night Main Menu.
Multiple Automated Attendant operation should be used if you want different
incoming lines answered in different ways. For example, if two businesses or
departments share your communications system, you may want to greet callers
differently and present them with different options from which to choose.
Related Communications System Features
All Automated Attendants for which lines are assigned using communications
system Group Call Distribution (#206) Setting 1 follow the same communications
system VMS Hunt Delay (Immediate or Delayed) and the same VMS Hunt
Schedule (Always, Day Only, or Night Only). If you require multiple Automated
Attendants but not all Automated Attendants can follow the same VMS Hunt
Delay and VMS Hunt Schedule settings, then you cannot use Group Call
Distribution (#206) Setting 1 for all of the lines. You can use one of the following
methods for the lines that you want to be handled differently:
Use Group Call Distribution ([
] [
] [
] [
]) Setting 3 to assign coverage for
the Voice Mail line(s).
Single/Multiple Automated Attendant