Overview of System Services
and Features
This chapter describes the mail system and explains the responsibilities of the
System Administrator. Features in boldface are described in greater detail in
Chapter 5.
The PARTNER MAIL Voice Messaging System (hereafter called the mail system)
works with the PARTNER II or PARTNER Plus Communications System
(hereafter called the communications system) to automate the call answering,
voice messaging, and call routing needs of your company.
The mail system is available in three configurations:
■ Two-port system with a message storage capacity of 6 hours
■ Four-port system with a message storage capacity of 11 hours
■ Six-port system with a message storage capacity of 16 hours
Which mail system you need depends on the number of users and the volume
of calls you have. If you purchased a mail system that has less than the
maximum number of ports or the maximum amount of message storage
capacity, you can add to it as the needs of your business grow. For more
information, contact your sales representative or your local authorized dealer.
A Remote Maintenance Device (RMD) is included with the mail system. This
device is used for remote maintenance and diagnostic services by authorized
service personnel.
Overview of System Services and Features