Form M: Line Ownership Description
Form M: Line Ownership Description
Complete this form only if VMS-Mail Lines specified on communications system Planning Form A are
to be assigned coverage using Group Call Distribution (#206) Setting 3. This form should not be
used if VMS-Mail Lines are to be assigned coverage using Line Coverage Extension (#208); skip to
Form N.
Mail system Planning Form M identifies line owners for VMS-Mail Lines for which Group Call
Distribution (#206) Setting 3 is used to assign VMS coverage. These lines are identified on
communications system Planning Form A.
If a line owner is assigned, calls are sent to the line owner’s mailbox after four rings. The
mailbox’s Class of Service (COS) determines how the call is handled.
If the COS is 1 through 6 or 18, the call receives Call Answer Service.
— If the COS is 15 through 17 or 21 through 23, the call receives Automated Attendant
If the COS is 19, the call is transferred to a Bulletin Board mailbox.
If a line owner is not assigned, unanswered calls go to the General Mailbox after four rings. If
there are Multiple Automated Attendants, there are Multiple General Mailboxes. However, if
line owners are not assigned, all unanswered calls go to the General Mailbox for Automated
Attendant 1.
For Release 4.0 and later communications system, Line Coverage Extension (#208) can be used in
place of Group Call Distribution (#206) Setting 3 with Line Ownership. Line Coverage Extension
assigns the line to the owner’s extension. This provides more flexibility because calls are sent to the
owner’s mailbox after the number of rings specified by VMS Cover Rings (#117), if VMS Cover is on.
Also, while VMS Cover is on, the owner can turn on Do Not Disturb to send calls immediately to the
Line Ownership
If VMS-Mail Lines specified on communications system Planning Form A are to be assigned
coverage using Group Call Distribution (#206) Setting 3, this form should be used to identify the line
owner’s name and mailbox number. Each line owner must have a Call Answer Service mailbox, an
Automated Attendant mailbox, or a Bulletin Board mailbox. Mailbox assignments are specified on
mail system Planning Form B.
Mail System Planning