R01UH0305EJ0200 Rev.2.00 218
Jul 04, 2013
6.3.15 Registers controlling port functions of pins to be used for timer I/O
Using port pins for the timer array unit functions requires setting of the registers that control the port functions
multiplexed on the target pins (port mode register (PMxx), port register (Pxx), and port mode control register (PMCxx)). For
details, see 4.3.1 Port mode registers (PMxx), 4.3.2 Port registers (Pxx), and 4.3.6 Port mode control registers
The port mode register (PMxx), port register (Pxx), and port mode control register (PMCxx) to be set depend on the
product. For details, see 4.5.3 Register setting examples for used port and alternate functions.
When using the ports (such as P31/TI03/TO03) to be shared with the timer output pin for timer output, set the port
mode control register (PMCxx) bit, port mode register (PMxx) bit and port register (Pxx) bit corresponding to each port to 0.
Example: When using P31/TI03/TO03 for timer output
Set the PMC31 bit of port mode control register 3 to 0.
Set the PM31 bit of port mode register 3 to 0.
Set the P31 bit of port register 3 to 0.
When using the ports (such as P31/TI03/TO03) to be shared with the timer input pin for timer input, set the port mode
register (PMxx) bit corresponding to each port to 1. And set the port mode control register (PMCxx) bit corresponding to
each port to 0. At this time, the port register (Pxx) bit may be 0 or 1.
Example: When using P31/TI03/TO03 for timer input
Set the PMC31 bit of port mode control register 3 to 0.
Set the PM31 bit of port mode register 3 to 1.
Set the P31 bit of port register 3 to 0 or 1.