Avg. talk time Length of the average time that callers spent
talking with agents.
Calls to voicemail Number of calls that went to voicemail without
being handled by an agent, as a result of
callers pressing the key to leave voicemail.
Total talk time Total number of minutes that callers have
spent talking with agents.
Longest time Length of the longest time in each of the
following categories (by day only):
Talk time. Time spent talking with an
Wait time. Time spent waiting on the
Average wait time Average length of time callers waited on the
queue for each of the following categories:
All calls. All inbound calls to the queue.
Answered calls. All calls to the queue in
which the caller spoke with an agent.
Abandoned calls. All calls to the queue
in which the caller hung up or left a voice
Redirection Number of calls that have been automatically
redirected by the queue, for each of the
following categories:
Maximum hold. Calls that reached the
maximum wait time without being
Queue busy. Calls that were redirected
because the queue was too busy.
Queue closed. Calls that were redirected
because the queue was closed.
Outbound Statistics
Calls placed Number of outbound calls placed by this
Calls completed Number of connected calls that are now over.
Calls connected Number of calls that have connected with the
called party.
Queue Statistics Pane