Quick call commands for call center agents
The following commands are available only for agents in a call center queue.
Quick call commands
Call as a queue. This logs your subsequent outbound
calls as being placed by the queue, to keep track of
which outbound calls are queue-related.
To call as a queue, press *14<queue’s extension>#.
To cancel calling as the queue, and revert to calling as
yourself, press *14#.
Select the personal status Available. This personal
status makes you available, and you start receiving
calls from all queues to which you are signed in.
In the Available personal status, you receive both
queue calls and non-queue (personal calls). To receive
only queue calls, choose the personal status Available
(Queue Only).
Select the personal status Available (Queue Only). This
personal status makes you available, and you start
receiving calls from all queues to which you are signed
In the Available (Queue Only) status, only queue calls
ring your phone. Non-queue calls are sent directly to
your voicemail. To have all your calls ring your phone,
make yourself available by choosing the personal
status Available.
Select the personal status Available (Non Queue). This
personal status makes you unavailable and the call
center queues stop sending you calls.
Use this command only at the end of your
workday, to preserve the accuracy of queue statistics. To leave
your phone temporarily during your workday, use *53.
You can also end your workday by choosing any
personal status other than Available, Available (Queue
Only), or On Break.