Toshiba Strata CS Telephone User Manual

Managing your greetings
To manage your greetings using the telephone commands, log on and press 4. Strata CS plays
each of your greetings, beginning with the active greeting. You can use the commands shown
in the following table either while you listen to a greeting or after a greeting has played.
When you record a new greeting by using the telephone commands, the greeting appears in
ViewPoint’s Greetings folder with the name “Greeting.” You can give the greeting a name using
ViewPoint (see “Managing folders and items” on page 8-16).
Available space for greetings
Your Strata CS system administrator has allocated a limited amount of disk space on the Strata
CS Server for your greetings and all of your voicemail. If your existing greetings fill the space
allocated to you, you cannot record a new greeting.
Greeting Commands
Use while or after a greeting plays
Replay the greeting.
Skip to the next greeting.
Make this greeting active.
Rerecord the greeting.
Record a new greeting.
Delete the greeting.