Accessing online documentation
You can access Strata CS’s online documentation in the following formats.
Strata CS Quick Reference Guide
This small guide provides easy-to-read
instructions for first-time users and basic
Strata CS use, including a complete
telephone command reference and
coverage of ViewPoint fundamentals.
All audiences Yes Yes
Strata CS Call Center Administrator
This manual describes configuring,
maintaining, supervising, and participating in
a Strata CS call center. Contains separate
sections for administrators and agents.
Includes instructions for running call center
queues, ACD workgroups, and Strata CS
call center reports.
Administrators Yes Yes
Strata CS SDK and API Programming
This reference describes how to extend
Strata CS's built-in features using the Client
API, the Add-in API, the IVR Plug-in API, the
Device Status API, and TAPI.
Programmers Yes Yes
Strata CS Quick Reference Card
This wallet-sized card is a convenient
reference for the most-used Strata CS
telephone commands.
All audiences Yes Yes
Strata CS DKT User Guide
This reference describes, in detail, how to
use the Strata CS telephone commands.
All audiences Yes Yes
Document Audience
in print