Agents on break Number of agents currently signed in and in
the On Break personal status.
Agents ready Number of agents waiting to receive queue
calls. Ready agents are those who are signed
in, have their personal statuses set to
Available or Available (Queue Only), and are
not currently off hook or in a wrap-up period.
Signed in and
Number of agents eligible to receive queue
calls, including those currently on a call or in
wrap-up period. To receive queue calls an
agent must be signed in and in a personal
status whose Queue calls field is set to “Yes,”
such as Available or Available (Queue Only.)
% agents ready The percentage of agents eligible to receive
queue calls who are currently waiting for a
call. The others are either off hook or in a
wrap-up period.
Calls waiting
Number of calls currently waiting on the
Calls being placed
Number outbound calls in the process of
being placed. (Connected outbound calls are
not counted.)
Agents wrap-up
Number of agents currently in the wrap-up
period following a queue call.
Inbound Statistics
Calls answered Number of calls answered by an agent.
Calls transferred out
Number of calls transferred out of the queue
without being handled by an agent, as a result
of callers pressing the transfer key.
Calls received Total number of calls received, including
abandoned calls.
Calls abandoned Number of callers who hung up without talking
to an agent.
Calls completed Number of completed calls in which a caller
finished talked with an agent. Completed calls
are calls that ended by hanging up or
Queue Statistics Pane