Toshiba Strata CS Telephone User Manual

Using the Strata CS Contact Manager Assistant
The Contact Manager Assistant enables Outlook, GoldMine, or FrontOffice 2000 contact
managers to pop up contact information automatically when contacts in one of your contact
managers call. Strata CS recognizes the incoming Caller ID number, Caller ID, or name.
To run the Contact Manager Assistant (CMA)
1. Choose Start > Programs > Toshiba Strata CS > Contact Manager Assistant. The
program starts and runs in the background.
2. Right-click in the system tray for a shortcut menu of commands that you can use
to configure and personalize the program. For further instructions, see the CMA’s
online Help.
Importing contacts from other contact managers into Strata CS
You can export contacts from other contact managers and import them into Strata CS.
Exporting contacts from Microsoft Outlook
The following instructions show how to export contacts from Microsoft Outlook:
1. In Outlook, Select File > Import and Export.
2. Select Export to a file from the list and click Next.
3. Select Comma Separated Values (Windows) and click Next.
4. Select a folder in which to store the contacts file and click Next.
5. Enter a filename and click Next.
6. Click Finish.
Importing contacts into Strata CS
See “Importing and exporting Strata CS items” on page 8-28.
Using workgroups _______________________________________
A workgroup is a group of related extensions or contacts. Extensions in Strata CS include users,
IVR Plug-ins, auto attendants, or queues. With a workgroup you can:
Q Send, reply, or forward a voice message to the workgroup. All mailboxes in the
workgroup receive the message at once. See
“Sending a message directly to a user’s
voicemail” on page 13-10.
Q Create a call rule for the workgroup. Incoming calls from any member of the workgroup
are handled according to the call rule. For example, you can have a custom voicemail
greeting that plays for all the members in your “VIP group.” See
Chapter 17 for more