Sample Configuration Files
C-25 41-001343-02 REV04 – 05.2014
# Per-line SIP Settings
# =======================
# configure line 3 as the support Broadsoft SCA line
# - the proxy and registrar settings are taken from the global
# settings above
sip line3 screen name: Support
sip line3 user name: 4000
sip line3 display name: Aastra Support
sip line3 auth name: support
sip line3 password: 54321
sip line3 mode: 1
sip line3 vmail: *78
# configure line 5 (a soft key line) as an ordinary line
# of a test server
sip line5 screen name: Test 1
sip line5 user name: 5551001
sip line5 display name: Test 1
sip line5 auth name: 5551001
sip line5 password: 5551001
sip line5 mode: 0
sip line5 proxy ip:
sip line5 proxy port: 5060
sip line5 registrar ip:
sip line5 registrar port: 5060
sip line5 registration period: 60
# Programmable Key Settings
# ===========================
# Programmable keys can be set either server wide or unique to each phone.
# Setting programmable keys as line/call appearances should be done
# in the "<mac>.cfg" file, since these are unique to each phone.
# Notes:
# There are a maximum of 7 programmable keys that can be configured
# on the 6753i phone, and only 2 on the phone. These can be
# set up through either of the 2 configuration files, depending on
# whether this is to be server wide ("aastra.cfg"), or model specific (“<model>.cfg”), or phone
# specific ("<mac>.cfg"). Each prgkey needs to be numbered from
# 1 - 7, for example "prgkey2 type:
# speeddial". Programmable keys can be set up as speeddials or as
# additional call/line appearances or as feature keys and have a
# type, value and line associated with it as seen here in the
# default programmable settings.