Operational Features
5-188 41-001343-02 REV04 – 05.2014
mable keys/softkeys must be defined for the Park and Pickup keys to be displayed. However, the benefit of this method is
that the phone does not seize a secondary line to dial out the Park or Pickup code but instead utilizes a secondary call
appearance of the same line (i.e. a “hidden” or “virtual” line).
Administrators now can employ an enhanced method of configure park/pickup functionality for the 9840i, 9840i CT,
6735i, 6737i, 6755i, 6757i, and 6757i CT IP phones whereby the phone will automatically generate and display keys for
Park and Pickup functionality as per the static configuration method, but will use the SIP signalling behavior (i.e. a sec-
ondary call appearance of the same line) of the programmable configuration method.
This enhancement can be set using the configuration files by defining the “sprecode” and “pickupsprecode” parame-
ters in conjunction with the “sip park pickup config” (global) or “sip lineN park pickup config” (per line) configuration
parameters. For example:
sprecode: *68
pickupsprecode: *88
sip line1 park pickup config: *68;*88;broadworks
Predefining Dial Codes for Park/Pickup Programmable Configuration
Administrators can also predefine dial codes when configuring park/pickup functionality using the enhanced
park/pickup configuration method. Predefining dial codes can be useful for individuals (in scenarios where the
park/pickup extension is always be the same) or for deployments (in scenarios where all the extensions of the network
start with the same common leading numbers).
The configuration parameters “sip park pickup config” (global) and “sip lineN park pickup config” (per line) now sup-
port the following enhanced syntax:
sip (lineN) park pickup config: <park_code>,<park_dial_code>;
For example, if the parameter is defined as:
sip (lineN) park pickup config: *68,4200#;*88,4200#;broadworks
the dial code 4200# will be automatically dialed out after the *68 park code is sent and the user is connected to the park-
ing orbit. Additionally, 4200# will be automatically dialed out after the *88 pickup code is sent and the user is connected
to the pickup orbit.
Pauses can also be introduced to the dial code by adding commas whereby each comma equates to a 500ms pause. For
example, if the parameter is defined as:
sip (lineN) park pickup config: *68,,,,,4200#;*88,,,,,4200#;broadworks
a two-second pause will be introduced before the each of the 4200# dial codes is dialed out.
Use Case Scenario
Take, for example, a BroadSoft BroadWorks-managed call network where the park/pickup extensions all start with the
first two digits 4 and 2 and the last two digits have a range from 00 to 99. Administrators can define the “sip park pickup
config” parameter as:
sip park pickup config: *68,,,,,,,,,42;*88,,,,,,,,,42;broadworks
When a user is in an active call and presses the Park softkey, the active call will be placed on hold, the phone will dial *68
to connect to the parking orbit, wait four seconds (so that the user can hear the parking announcement from the call
manager), automatically send the park dial code of 42, and then at this time the user can enter the last two digits of the
parking extension to complete the call park.
When the user presses the Pickup softkey, the phone will dial out *88 to connect to the pickup orbit, wait four seconds,
automatically send the pickup dial code of 42, and then at this time the user can enter the last two digits of the pickup
extension to complete the call pickup.
• To set the enhancement using the Aastra Web UI the “Park Call” and “Pickup Parked Call” along with the “Park
Pickup Config” fields must be defined.
• Programmable keys/softkeys do not need to be configured when utilizing this enhanced configuration method.