
Firmware and Configuration Files
41-001343-02 REV04 – 05.2014 1-52
Multiple Configuration Server Support
An Administrator has the option of specifying whether the phones get their firmware file, directory files, language packs,
TLS certificate files, 802.1x certificate files, and HTTPS files from the original configuration server or from another server in
the network. This feature allows you to specify the URL of other servers from which the phone can get this information.
Firmware Files and Multiple Configuration Servers
The firmware file for the phones can be downloaded from the original configuration server or from another server speci-
fied by a URL. You can specify a valid full or partial URL (server IP address) from which the phones get the firmware using a
new parameter called, “firmware server” in the configuration files. If a full URL is specified for this parameter, the phones
in the network get the security.tuz, aastra.cfg, <model>.cfg, and <mac>.cfg files from the original configuration server, and
the firmware files from the server specified in the URL.
When the “firmware server” parameter specifies a partial URL path, the configuration server that is linked to the partial
path is used to load the firmware.
For example,
firmware server: /path
When there is nofirmware server” parameter (or if it is empty), the original configuration server is used to load the
To download all configuration and firmware files from the original configuration server:
firmware server:
Leaving this parameter blank downloads all configuration and firmware files from the original configuration server.
To download all firmware files from another specified server:
firmware server: tftp://
The above example uses TFTP to download all firmware files that exist in the “test1” directory on the specified server, to
the phone
To download a partial from another specified server:
firmware server: /path
The above example uses the configuration server that is linked to the partial path to load the firmware.
The default method for the download of all files and firmware to the phones is from the original configuration server.
The Administrator must specify a correct full or partial server URL for the phones to get their firmware information
from that server. If the URL is incorrect, no firmware download occurs to the phones from the specified server.
Specifying the download of a “.st” file is not supported. For example, the following filename should NEVER be entered
as a value string for the “firmware server” parameter:
firmware server: tftp://