Aastra Telecom 41-001343-02 IP Phone User Manual

Configuration Server Protocol
41-001343-02 REV04 – 05.2014 4-89
For more information on configuring the HTTPS security method, HTTP to HTTPS redirect, and HTTPS server blocking for HTTP XML
POSTs, see the section, “HTTPS Client/Server Configuration” on page4-33.
10. Press Done or Set repeatedly until the session prompts you to restart the IP phone to apply the configuration settings.
11. Select Restart.
IP Phone UI
HTTP Settings
Select HTTP Server
Enter the IP address of the HTTP server.
Press Done or Set.
Select HTTP Path.
Enter the path name for which the configuration files reside on the HTTP server for downloading to the IP
Phone. If the IP phone’s files are located in a sub-directory beneath the server’s root directory, the relative path
to that sub-directory should be entered in this field. Enter the path name in the form folderX\folderX\folderX. For
example, ipphone\6757i\configfiles.
Select HTTP Port.
Enter the HTTP port that the server uses to load the configuration to the phone over HTTP. Default is 80.
Press Done or Set.
HTTPS Settings
Select HTTP Client.
Select Download Server.
Enter the IP address of the HTTPS server.
Press Done or Set.
Select Download Path.
Enter the path name for which the configuration files reside on the HTTPS server for downloading to the IP
Phone. If the IP phone’s files are located in a sub-directory beneath the server’s root directory, the relative path
to that sub-directory should be entered in this field. Enter the path name in the form folderX\folderX\folderX. For
example, ipphone\6757i\configfiles.
Press Done or Set.
Select Client Method.
Select the client method to use for downloading the configuration files (SSl 3.0 or TLS 1.0). For more informa-
tion about which client method to use, see the section, “HTTPS Client/Server Configuration” on page4-33.
Select Download Port.
Enter the HTTPS port that the server uses to load the configuration to the phone over HTTPS. Default is 443.
Select HTTPS Server.
For 3-Line LCD Displays:
Press Change to select “Do not redirect” or “Redirect”. Defa ult is “Do not redirect”. Enabling this feature
redirects the HTTP protocol to HTTPS.
Press Set.
For 8 and 11-Line LCD Displays:
Press Change to select “Ye s” and redirect HTTP to HTTPS. Select “No” to not direct HTTPS to HTTPS, Default
is “No”. Enabling this feature redirects the HTTP protocol to HTTPS.
Press Done.
For 3-Line LCD Displays:
Press Change to select “Do
not block” or “Block”. Enabling this feature blocks XML HTTP POSTs from the IP
For 8 and 11-Line LCD Displays:
Press Change to select “Ye s ” and block XML HTTP Posts. Select “No” to unblock XML HTTP Posts. Default is
No”. Enabling this feature blocks XML HTTP POSTs from the IP Phone.