Administrator Level Options
3-49 41-001343-02 REV04 – 05.2014
HTTP Server HTTP Server http server The HTTP server’s IP address. This will become effective after
this configuration file has been downloaded into the phone.
You can also assign an HTTP relative path to the HTTP server.
See the next parameter (http path).
For more information, see Chapter 4, “Configuration Server
Protocol” on page4-87.
HTTP Path HTTP Path http path Specifies the path name for which the configuration files
reside on the HTTP server for downloading to the IP Phone.
If the IP phone’s configuration and firmware files are located
in a sub-directory beneath the server’s root directory, the rel-
ative path to that sub-directory should be entered in this
For more information, see Chapter 4, “Configuration Server
Protocol” on page4-87.
HTTP Port HTTP Port http port Specifies the HTTP port that the server uses to load the con-
figuration to the phone over HTTP.
For more information, see Chapter 4, “Configuration Server
Protocol” on page4-87.
Download Server HTTPS Server https server The HTTPS server’s IP address. This will become effective
after this configuration file has been downloaded into the
You can also assign an HTTPS relative path to the HTTPS
server. See the next parameter (https path).
For more information, see Chapter 4, “Configuration Server
Protocol” on page4-87.
Download Path HTTPS Path https path Specifies the path name for which the configuration files
reside on the HTTPS server for downloading to the IP Phone.
If the IP phone’s configuration and firmware files are located
in a sub-directory beneath the server’s root directory, the rel-
ative path to that sub-directory should be entered in this
For more information, see Chapter 4, “Configuration Server
Protocol” on page4-87.
Download Port HTTPS Port https port Specifies the HTTP port that the server uses to load the con-
figuration to the phone over HTTP.
For more information, see Chapter 4, “Configuration Server
Protocol” on page4-87.
Parameter In
IP Phone UI
Parameter in
Aastra Web UI
Parameters in Configuration