Sample Configuration Files
41-001343-02 REV04 – 05.2014 C-2
Sample Configuration Files
This section consists of the sample configuration files necessary to configure the IP phones. The general format is similar to
configuration files used by several Unix-based programs. Any text following a number sign (#) on a line is considered to be
a comment, unless the # is contained within double-quotes. Currently, Boolean fields use 0 for false and 1 for true.
6757i Sample Configuration File
# Sample Configuration File
# ===========================
# Date: October 20th, 2005
# Phone Model: 6757i
# Notes:
# The general format used here is similar to configuration files
# used by several UNIX-based programs. Any text following a number
# sign (#) is considered to be a comment, unless the number sign is
# contained within double-quotes ("#") where it is considered to be
# a pound. For Boolean fields, 0 = false, 1 = true.
# Comments:
# This file contains sample configurations for the "aastra.cfg", <model>.cfg, or
# "<mac>.cfg" file. The settings included here are examples only.
# You should change/comment the values to suit your requirements.
# Not all possible parameters are shown, refer to the admin guide for
# the full list of supported parameters, their defaults and valid
# ranges.
# The Aastra 6737i, 6757i, 6757iCT, and 6753i phones will download 2
# configuration files from the TFTP server while restarting, the
# "aastra.cfg" file, the “<model>.cfg” file, and the "<mac>.cfg" file. These three configuration
# files can be used to configure all of the settings of the phone with
# the exception of assigning a static IP address to a phone and line
# settings, which should only be set in the "<mac>.cfg" file.
# The "aastra.cfg" file configures the settings server wide, the “<model>.cfg” file contains model specific
# information (for example, “6757i.cfg”), while the "<mac>.cfg" file configures only the phone with the MAC
# address for which the file is named (for example, "00085d0304f4.cfg"). The
# settings in the "aastra.cfg" file will be overridden by settings in the <model>.cfg file, and settings in the
# "<mac>.cfg" file override both settings in the “<model>.cfg” and the “aastra.cfg” files.