Operational, Basic, and Advanced Parameters
A-149 41-001343-02 REV04 – 05.2014
Disable User Login to Aastra Web UI
Parameter –
handsfree tx gain
Configuration Files
aastra.cfg, <model>.cfg, <mac>.cfg
Description This is the increased (+db) or decreased (-db) amount of signal transmitted from the base
microphone to the far-end party. The amount of Tx gain in the IP phone firmware has
been reduced to avoid side-tone and echo on the local and far-end equipment. This
parameter allows you to adjust the Tx gain settings to best suit your comfort level and
deployment environment.
The example below increases the speakerphone mic transmit gain by 10 db.
Format Integer
Default Value 0
Range -10 db to +10 db
Example handsfree tx gain: 10
Parameter –
audio mode
Configuration Files
aastra.cfg, <model>.cfg, <mac>.cfg
Description Allows you to configure how the "handsfree" key on the IP phone operates.
Format Integer
Default Value 0
Range 0 Speaker - Calls can be made or received using the handset or handsfree speakerphone
and can be switched between the two modes by pressing the d /fkey. When on speaker,
you can return to using the handset by placing the handset on the cradle and picking
it up again.
1 Headset - Calls can be made or received using the headset. Calls can be switched
between the headset and handset by pressing the d /fkey.
2 Speaker/headset - Incoming calls are sent to the speakerphone. By pressing the d /fkey,
you can switch between the handsfree speakerphone, the headset, and the handset.
3 Headset/speaker - Incoming calls are sent to the headset. By pressing the d /fkey, you
can switch between the headset, the handsfree speakerphone, and the handset.
Example audio mode: 2
Parameter –
web interface enabled
Configuration Files
aastra.cfg, <model>.cfg, <mac>.cfg
Description Specifies whether or not to disable the web user interface
Format Integer
Default Value 1 (admin/user enabled)
Range 0 (admin/user disabled)
1 (admin/user enabled)
2 (only admin enabled)
Example web interface enabled: 0