Configuration file handling task list 85
SmartWare Software Configuration Guide 6 • Configuration file handling
Example: Modifying the running configuration at the CLI
The following example shows how to modify the currently running configuration via the CLI and save it as the
startup configuration.
node(cfg)#copy running-config startup-config
Press 'yes' to restart, 'no' to cancel : yes
The system is going down
Modifying the running configuration offline
In cases of complex configuration changes, which are easier to do offline, you may store a configuration on a
TFTP server, where you can edit and save it. Since the SmartNode is acting as a TFTP client, it initiates all file
transfer operations.
First, upload the running configuration, named running-config, from the SmartNode to the TFTP server. You
can then edit the configuration file located on the TFTP server by using any regular text editor. Once the con-
figuration has been edited, download it back into the SmartNode as upcoming startup configuration and store
it in the persistent memory region nvram: under the name startup-config. Finally, restart the SmartNode by
using the
reload command to activate the changes.
Mode: Administrator execution
Step Command Purpose
1 node#copy running-config tftp://node-ip-
Uploads the current running configuration as file
current-config to the TFTP server at address node-
ip-address. Optionally you can enter the UDP
port where the TFTP server listens. If the port is
not specified, the default port 69 is used. This
progress is visualized with a counter, counting up
from 0 to 100% according to the downloaded
amount of the file size. If the upload should fail
an error message “% File Transfer - Put failed” is
2 Offline editing of the configuration file current-
config on the TFTP server using any regular text
3 node#copy tftp://node-ip-address/current-config
nvram: startup-config
Downloads the modified configuration file cur-
rent-config from the TFTP server at address node-
ip-address into the persistent memory region
nvram: by using the name startup-config. This
progress is visualized with a counter, counting up
from 0 to 100% according to the downloaded
amount of the file size. Should the download fail,
an error message “% File Transfer - Get failed” is
4 node#reload Restarts the system