
ISDN configuration task list 219
SmartWare Software Configuration Guide 19 • ISDN configuration
Mode: q921
Configuring Q.921 encapsulation
This command specifies the next protocol or application has to be attached to the Q.921 protocol. In case of
ISDN this will always be the Q.931 protocol but in a distributed system for example, it could also be a net-
work protocol.
Mode: q921
Enter Q.931 configuration mode
Normally, Q.931 is running as ISDN Layer 3 protocol on Q.921. But it is also possible another protocol is
using Q.931 as its next encapsulation step an then Q.931 will not be configured out of the Q.921 context.
That means, Q.931 encapsulation can be configured in different configuration modes. For this reason, the
Step Command Purpose
node(q921)[slot/port]#protocol pp
node(q921)[slot/port]#protocol pmp
Specify Q.921 operating mode (Default: BRI:
pmp, PRI: pp).
The Q.921 protocol running on BRI ports can
operate in point-to-point (pp) or point-to-multi-
point (pmp) mode. Point-to-multipoint is used
to connect multiple terminals to an ISDN S-
Bus. In some cases small PBXs are also con-
nected to the public ISDN in point-to-multi-
point mode. Point-to-point is typically used to
connect PBXs to a public or private ISDN.
The Q.921 protocol of PRI ports always run in
point-to-point (pp) mode.
node(q921)[slot/port]#uni-side auto
node(q921)[slot/port]#uni-side net
node(q921)[slot/port]#uni-side user
Specify the UNI side of the interface (Default:
If layer1 clock mode is not defined or set to
auto this setting also specifies the clock mode
for layer1.
NET: clock mode = master
USR: clock mode = slave
If set to auto the UNI side setting is taken from
3 node(q921)[slot/port]#[no] permanent-
Enables the Q.921 permanent activity
(Default: disabled).
By default, the Q.921 protocol is not enabled
permanently, i.e. the first call enables it.
Step Command Purpose
node(q921)[slot/port]#[no] encapsula-
tion q931
Enables/Disables the next application or pro-
tocol. Currently only Q.931 is supported.