Configuration file handling task list 83
SmartWare Software Configuration Guide 6 • Configuration file handling
Replacing the startup configuration with a configuration downloaded from
TFTP server
From within the administration execution mode, you can replace the startup-configuration by downloading a
configuration from the TFTP server into the flash memory area where to store the startup configuration.
Mode: Administrator execution
Example: Sample configuration download from the TFTP server
The following example shows how to replace the persistent startup configuration in the flash memory of a
SmartNode by overwriting it with the configuration contained in the file new-startup located on the TFTP
server at IP address
1. Download the startup configuration with the
copy command into the flash memory area where to store
the startup configuration.
node(cfg)#copy tftp:// nvram:startup-config
2. Check the content of the persistent startup configuration by listing its command settings with the show
node#show nvram:startup-config
Displaying configuration file information
This procedure describes how to display information about configuration files
Mode: Administrator execution
Step Command Purpose
1 node(cfg)# copy tftp://ip-address[:port]/
new-startup nvram:startup-config
Downloads the configuration file new-startup from
the TFTP server at address ip-address replacing the
existing persistent startup configuration. Optionally
you can enter the UDP port where the TFTP server lis-
tens. If the port is not specified, the default port 69 is
used. This progress is visualized with a counter,
counting up from 0 to 100% according to the down-
loaded amount of the file size. Should the download
fail, an error message % File Transfer - Get failed is
Command Purpose
show nvram: Lists all persistent configurations
show running-config Displays the contents of the running configuration file
show startup-config Displays the contents of the startup configuration file