Tone configuration task list 534
SmartWare Software Configuration Guide 42 • Tone configuration
Mode: Interface
Example: Assign tone-set profiles to an ISDN interface
The example shows how to use the SWISS tone-set for the CS context, and use the USA tone-set for an indi-
vidual interface.
node(cfg)#context cs
node(ctx-cs)[switch]#interface isdn bri0
node(if-isdn)[bri0]#use profile tone-set USA
Show call-progress-tone and tone-set profiles
Use the show commands to display the call-progress-tone profiles as well as the tone-set profiles.
Procedure: To show call-progress-tone profiles
Mode: Administrator execution
Example: Show call-progress-tone profile
The following example shows how to display the call-progress-tone profiles.
node#show profile call-progress-tone belgianSpec
Play 330ms (950Hz at -4dB)
Play 330ms (1400Hz at -4dB)
Play 330ms (1800Hz at -4dB)
Pause 100ms
Procedure: To show tone-set profiles
Mode: Administrator execution
Example: Show tone-set profile
Step Command Purpose
node(ctx-cs)[switch]#interface if-type if-
Enter interface configuration mode.
node(if-type)[if-name]#use profile tone-
set name
Assign a user defined tone-set profile to an
Step Command Purpose
1 node#show profile call-progress-tone
Display all call-progress-tone profiles or a spe-
cific with name name
Step Command Purpose
node#show profile tone-set [name]
Display all tone-set profiles or a specific with
name name