
Configuration Examples 606
SmartWare Software Configuration Guide 50 • Authentication Service
Configuring a Realm
The following commands add a new Realm to the authentication service. If more than one Realm has to be
entered, the order of the list can be modified by using the index and/or before and after keywords. The no form
of the command removes an existing Realm from the list.
Mode: Authentication Service
Configuring the authentication protocol
The protocol command specifies the authetnication protocol.
Mode: Authentication Service
Creating credentials
The following command creates Authentication Credentials identified by the entered username. The no form
of the command removes an existing Credential. It is possible to enter this command without a password.
Mode: Authentication Service
Configuration Examples
authentication-service AUTH_SRV
realm 1 voip-public
realm 2 voip-intranet
realm 3 ms-exchange
username 433 password fK+bfnzL45Goh/VdjrWxAA== encrypted
username john.doe password D60t7CBZ58k7JK2jxdlw4w== encrypted
Step Command Purpose
1 [node](ls)[name]# [no] realm <name>
[node](ls)[name]#realm <index> <name>
[node](ls)[name]#realm before <index>
[node](ls)[name]#realm after <index>
Adds or removes a Realm to/from the authentica-
tion service.
Step Command Purpose
1 [node](ls)[name]#protocol {http} Specifies the authentication protocol to be used.
Step Command Purpose
1 [node](ls)[name]# [no] username <user>
[password <password>]
Creates or removes authentication credentials.