Bind FXS ports to higher layer applications 539
SmartWare Software Configuration Guide 43 • FXS port configuration
Bind FXS ports to higher layer applications
An FXS port needs to be associated to an fxs interface in a CS context. The same mechanism of encapsulation
and binding is used as known for e.g. Ethernet ports (see “Interfaces, Ports, and Bindings” on page 47).
Procedure: To bind an FXS port to an FXS interface of a CS context
Mode: Port FXS
Configure country-specific FXS port parameters
Unlike ISDN, POTS is heavily country specific even though there is a good chance that a phone for one coun-
try works reasonably good in another country. Country specific settings are contained in a so-called fxs profile
which is integrated in the firmware of the SmartNode. It can be updated independently from the firmware by
means of tftp download.
As there are more than 190 countries, SmartWare does not support all country parameters, so make sure that
the country parameter for your country is available as a profile, before you begin operation.
Procedure: Configure country-specific FXS parameters
Mode: Port FXS
Step Command Purpose
1 node(config)#port fxs slot port Enter configuration mode for FXS port
2 node(prt-fxs)[slot/port]#encap-
sulation cc-fxs
Sets the encapsulation for the port. cc-fxs designs
the encapsulation is a context CS interface
3 node(prt-fxs)[slot/port]#bind
interface interface
Binds the port to an interface in a CS context
Step Command Purpose
1 node(config)#port
fxs slot port
Enter configuration mode for FXS port
2 node(prt-fxs)[slot/
port]#use profile
fxs profile
Select a profile containing the country specific settings of the port attributes
(ring voltage etc.). The available country profiles are listed when entering
this command. The names listed are composed as follows:
ISO3166-1-Alpha-2 2 digit country code
Examples (currently available profiles):
• ch Switzerland
• etsi ETSI EG 201 188 Configuration (Europe)
• gb Great Britain
• nl Netherlands
us United States of America/Canada
• us-115vpp USA, higher ring voltatge (115 Vpp)
• za South Africa
The default profile (not displayed in the list when entering the command) is etsi.