Call router configuration task list 518
SmartWare Software Configuration Guide 40 • Call router configuration
• When calling through carrier Melon the CLI (calling party number) must not use the public number blocks
of Site A and B
• Carrier Orange is to be used for national calls
• Carrier Apple is to be used for calls to mobile
The requirements for the call router can be summarized as:
1. Route ISDN data calls to the local breakout.
2. Route inter-site calls to the opposite SmartNode (node A to node B and vice versa).
3. Route international calls to carrier Melon.
4. Provide a fallback for all VoIP calls on the local breakout.
5. Route local calls to the local breakout.
6. Route national calls to carrier Orange.
7. Route mobile calls to carrier Apple.
8. Calls from the PSTN, nodes B and C are forwarded directly to the PBX.
The remainder of this example will focus on the configuration for Node A. The configuration for Node B can
be built accordingly. Node C has an even simpler configuration.
It is a good idea to specify the required call router elements and names before starting the configuration. A
sketch may be helpful:
• Bearer capability table named TAB-ISDN-SERVICE, needed for requirement 1.
• Called party number table named TAB-DEST-A, needed for requirements 2, 3, 6 and 7
• CAC insertion for Apple MAP-CAC-APPLE, needed to add a carrier access code for Apple
• CAC insertion for Orange MAP-CAC-ORANGE, needed to add carrier access code for Orange
• CLI replacement for Melon MAP-CLI-MELON, needed to add carrier access code for Melon
• PSTN interfaces IF-PBX-A and IF-LOCAL-BREAKOUT, needed for requirements 4, 5 and 8.
• H.323 interface IF-NODE-B, needed for requirement 2.
• SIP interface IF-NODE-C, needed for requirement 3.