
SIP location-service 528
SmartWare Software Configuration Guide 41 • SIP call-router services
Binding a location service
If a call is route to the location-service it performs a lookup with the requested URI to the bound location ser-
vice to find the address bindings. This command is optional because if no location service is bound, all existing
location services will be considered to find the right contact information.
Mode: Service SIP location-service
Configuring multi-contact behavior
There may be cases when a user has registered with several contacts in the location service database to be reach-
able on several SIP clients. If a call is routed to this service and the lookup in the location service database
results in several contacts, this command specifies the behavior for such a case. One possibility is to contact all
clients at the same time (distribute) or to contact the clients one after the other (hunt). At time of registration
a priority value can be provided. In hunt mode, this priority defines the sequence of contacting the clients. The
following modes are available:
Hunt: Contact one registration after the other, depending on the priority. Highest priority first.
Distribute: Contact all registrations at the same time.
Distribute and Hunt: Registrations with the same priority build a distribution group. Hunt over this
groups beginning with the highest priority.
Mode: Service SIP location-service
Configuring the hunt timeout
The hunt-timeout command is used in 'hunt' mode and 'distribute-and-hunt' mode. It specifies the time that
the service must hunt to the next contact if one is not responding. The user must configure this value because
it is set per default to zero. This means that the hunting process will stay on the first contact and will never pro-
ceed with the next registered contact.
Mode: Service SIP location-service
Step Command Purpose
1 [name] (svc-ls)[name]#[no] bind loca-
tion-service name
Binds the service to a location service. The no
form of the command removes an existing
Step Command Purpose
1 [name] (svc-ls)[name]#mode {hunt | dis-
tribute | distribute-and-hunt}
Specifies the multi contact behavior of the SIP
Default: distribute-and-hunt
Step Command Purpose
1 [name] (svc-ls)[name]#[no] hunt-timeout
Defines the seconds to wait before hunting to
the next contact or group of contacts.