Call router configuration task list 513
SmartWare Software Configuration Guide 40 • Call router configuration
Mode: Context CS
Configuration Example:
context cs switch
routing-table called-e164 DISPATCH
route 1 dest-service BRIDGE1.dialer
service bridge BRIDGE1
port listener
mode listening
no shutdown
port dialer
mode dial-persistent 1 dest-interface REMOTE
no shutdown
interface h323 REMOTE
bind gateway h323
route call dest-table DISPATCH
interface fxs PHONE1
route call dest-service BRIDGE1.listener
Configuring the service second-dialtone
If a call is routed into the service second-dialtone, the service establishes the call and plays a dial tone to the
caller.When a call is entering the service it is first routed to the configured destination. In case the call cannot
be placed, the service plays the second dial-tone or the configured announcement to the caller until the caller
enters the first DTMF digit.
Step Command Purpose
1 [name] (ctx-cs)[switch]#[no] ser-
vice bridge BRIDGE1
Enters the bridge service configuration mode / deletes a
bridge service.
2 [name] (svc-bridg)[BRIDGE1]#port
Creates a port on the service that can accept or spawn calls
(the max number of ports is currently limited to two)
3 [name] (port)[DIALER]# dial persis-
tent 123 dest-interface REMOTE
Configures the port to actively dial the called-party “123” to
the destination REMOTE. This connection is kept open until
the service is shut down, or a “no dial” command is issued. If
the remote side terminates the connection, the port tries to
reconnect. As soon as the connection is established, the call
is connected to all other calls present on the service.
4 [name] (svc-bridg)[BRIDGE1]#port
Creates a port on the service that can accept or spawn calls
(the max number of ports is currently limited to two)
5 [name] (port)[DIALER]# no dial
Without entering a “dial” command, or by specifying “no
dial”, this port does not dial, but listen for incoming calls. If a
call comes in, it is automatically connected to all other calls
present on the service.