Accessing the SmartWare CLI task list 63
SmartWare Software Configuration Guide 4 • Accessing the CLI[default]#codec 3 before 1[default]#show running-config
profile voip default
codec 1 g723-6k3 rx-length 30 tx-length 30
codec 2 g711ulaw64k rx-length 20 tx-length 20
codec 3 g711alaw64k rx-length 20 tx-length 20
dejitter-max-delay 200
Note Succeeding indexes are automatically renumbered.
Example 2: Moving the G.723 codec back position 3
This command moves the G.723 codec from the top to third place. As a result, the other two codecs move up
in the list as their indexes are automatically renumbered to accommodate the new third-place codec.[default]#codec 1 after 3[default]#show running-config
profile voip default
codec 1 g711ulaw64k rx-length 20 tx-length 20
codec 2 g711alaw64k rx-length 20 tx-length 20
codec 3 g723-6k3 rx-length 30 tx-length 30
dejitter-max-delay 200
Example 3: Inserting a codec at a specific position in the list.
This command assigns the G.729 codec the index number 1 so the codec appears at the top of the list.[default]#codec 1 g729 tx-length 30 rx-length 30 silence-supression[default]#show running-config
profile voip default
codec 1 g729 rx-length 30 tx-length 30 silence-supression
codec 2 g711ulaw64k rx-length 20 tx-length 20
codec 3 g711alaw64k rx-length 20 tx-length 20
codec 4 g723-6k3 rx-length 30 tx-length 30
dejitter-max-delay 200