Call router configuration task list 474
SmartWare Software Configuration Guide 40 • Call router configuration
The call router can route calls according to the following numbering plans. These values beside default can be
used for the key parameter to create a routing table entry:
• unknown—Unknown numbering plan. This is the default value for calls that arrive through an interface
that does not support the numbering plan property.
• isdn-telephony—ISDN/Telephony numbering plan according to CCITT Recommendation E.164/E.163).
• data—Data numbering plan according to CCITT Recommendation X.121.
• telex—Telex numbering plan according to CCITT Recommendation F.69.
• national-standard—Numbering plan according to a national standard.
• private—Any private numbering plan.
Example: Calling numbering-plan routing table
The following example shows how to create a routing table with name NP that routes calls based on the calling
part numbering plan. Calls with calling party numbers formed according to the ISDN/Telephony numbering
plan are routed to the next table TAB-INCOMING-ISDN, calls with calling party numbers formed according
to the data numbering plan to the next table TAB-INCOMING-DATA and all other calls to the next table
node(cfg)#context cs
node(ctx-cs)[switch]#routing-table calling-numbering-plan NP
node(rt-tab)[NP]#route isdn-telephony dest-table TAB-INCOMING-ISDN
node(rt-tab)[NP]#route data dest-table TAB-INCOMING-DATA
node(rt-tab)[NP]#route default dest-table TAB-INCOMING-UNKNOWN
Name routing table
The calling display name or called display name (calling-name or called-name) table is used to route calls based
on the human-readable name of the calling or called party. The key you specify in a routing table entry must be
identical to the display name of the calling or called party for the entry to match.
Note Incoming SIP calls use this call property to store the display name part of the
SIP URI. Other interfaces set the display name to the empty string.
Example: Calling display name routing table
This example routes calls based on the display name part of the From-URI of an incoming SIP call.
node(cfg)#context cs
node(ctx-cs)[switch]#routing-table calling-name name
node(rt-tab)[name]#route “John Smith” dest-table TAB-FROM-JOHN
node(rt-tab)[name]#route Administrator dest-table TAB-FROM-ADMIN
node(rt-tab)[name]#route default dest-table TAB-FROM-UNKNOWN
IP address routing table
The calling party IP address (calling-ip) table is used to route calls based on the signaling IP address of the orig-
inating VoIP peer, e.g. the IP address of the originating H.323 peer terminal. The called party IP address
(called-ip) table is used to route calls based on the called IP address property. The called IP address of incoming
calls is set to unless modified by a previous mapping table in the routing path. Thus the called IP
address table is of limited use only.