FXO interface configuration task list 424
SmartWare Software Configuration Guide 36 • FXO interface configuration
Configuring the destination of the call
The last command in configuring the FXO Interface is the route command. This command configures the call
router. You can configure the routing-destination for call setup and for service activation. For complete details,
see chapter 40, “Call router configuration” on page 456.
Mode: Interface FXO
FXO Mute dialing
A new command has been added. With this command, the FXO interface can mute its receive path during
dialtone detection and DTMF digits sending. This to avoid unwanted noises on the calling side (for calls going
out of the device through FXO).
Mode: interface fxo
Step Prompt, command & response Purpose
1 node> Basic prompt in Operator Exec mode
2 node>enable Enters Administration execution mode
node# Response: The prompt in administra-
tion execution mode is the #
3 node#configure Enters the Configure configuration
node(cfg)# Response: The prompt in the Configure
configuration mode is (cfg)#
4 node(cfg)#context cs Enters the Context CS configure mode
node(ctx-cs)[switch]# Response: The prompt in the Context
CS configuration mode is (ctx-
5 node(ctx-cs)[switch]#interface fxo if-name Enter the Interface FXO configuration
node(if-fxo)[if-name]# Response: The prompt in the Interface
FXO configuration mode is (if-fxo)
6 node(if-fxo)[if-name]#[no] route {call {dest-interface
interface-name | dest-service table-name | dest-table
service-name} | precall {dest-interface interface-name |
dest-service table-name | dest-table service-name }
Use this command to route a call (dest-
interface) directly to an interface speci-
fied with the interface-name parame-
ter, (dest-table) to the call router using
the table-name table as the first routing
table, or (dest-table) directly to a ser-
vice specified with the service-name
Step Command Purpose
1 [name] (if-fxo)# [no] mute-dialing Enables or disables mute of receive path during dialtone
detection and dialing. Default: Disabled.