VoIP profile configuration task list 578
SmartWare Software Configuration Guide 47 • VoIP profile configuration
Mode: Profile VoIP
Configuring the transparent-clearmode codec
To be compatible with RFC4040, transparent-clearmode was made available as a codec in the voip profile. The
codec can be used if exclusively packetisation and no coding/decoding is needed.
Mode: configure/profile voip
Configuring the Cisco versions of the G.726 codecs
The Cisco versions of codecs are listed in the previous section as separate codecs with their name ending in –
cisco. SmartWare supports four Cisco codec versions: g726-16k-cisco, g726-24k-cisco, g726-32k-cisco,
and transparent-cisco. Three of the codecs are variations of G.726, the fourth is transparent-cisco.
The transparent-cisco codec provides full compatibility with Cisco’s clear-channel codec used for transmission of
Unrestricted Digital Information over a VoIP (SIP or H.323) network.
Cisco does not use the standard ITU G.726 version of G.726, instead it uses the ATM AAL2 version.
All supported Cisco codecs are available in profile voip.
Mode: VoIP name
The next table indicates the method of configuring a Cisco-variant codec as the most preferred codec. This
example sets the ‘transparent-cisco´ as number 1, the most preferred.
Mode: VoIP name
Step Command Purpose
1 node(pf-voip)[name]#codec 1 g729 tx-
length 30 rx-length 30 silence-
Inserts codec g729 at the first position of the list
(most preferred codec). The parameters are the
same previously described.
If the codec g729 had yet existed in the list, it is
moved to the first position of the list, adopting the
entered parameter values.
Step Command Purpose
1 [name](pf-voip)[profile]#[no] codec transpar-
Allows to use the codec transparent-
Step Command Purpose
1 node(pf-voip)[name]#codec { g726-16k-cisco |
g726-24k-cisco | g726-32k-cisco | … }
To operate with Cisco’s G.726 codecs.
Step Command Purpose
1 node(pf-voip)[name]#codec 1 transparent-cisco Configures transparent-cisco as the most
preferred codec.