
FXS interface configuration task list 406
SmartWare Software Configuration Guide 35 • FXS interface configuration
Mode: Interface FXS
Configuring an alternate PSTN profile (optional)
The PSTN profile contains the configuration for data/voice transmission on circuit-switched channels (See
chapter 48, “PSTN profile configuration” on page 597). In the case of FXS interfaces, the PSTN profile applies
to the analog line associated with the interface. There is a PSTN profile named default, which always exists in
the system. If no different PSTN profile name is explicitly configured on the FXS interface, the profile named
default is used.
Mode: Interface FXS
Configuring caller-ID presentation (optional)
FXS/FXO protocols allow the presentation of the caller-ID (calling party number and name of an incoming
call) to an analog terminal when the terminal is ringing. (See Chapter 43, “FXS port configuration” on
page 537 for other caller-ID related settings.) Use this command to configure presentation of the calling party
number to the analog device connected to the FXS port associated with the interface.
Mode: Interface FXS
Configuring flash hook processing (optional)
The flash-hook command specifies if the flash hook pattern must be handled locally or if it must be relayed to
the remote subscriber. Per default flash hook is handled locally because it is the initial pattern for local initiated
supplementary services. If the flash hook is relayed to the remote subscriber, the local user will not be able to
initiate a second call. The relay feature is used if the termination instance of the remote protocol is configured
to handle all the supplementary services.
Mode: Interface FXS
Step Command Purpose
[name](if-fxs)[name]#[no] subscriber-
number <number>
Applies a subscriber number for the fxs interface.
The no form of the command clears an existing one.
Default: none
Step Command Purpose
[name](if-fxs)[name]#use profile pstn
Defines an alternate PSTN profile to be used for this
FXS interface.
Step Command Purpose
[name](if-fxs)[name]#[no] caller-id-pre-
sentation {pre-ring | mid-ring}
Enables/Disables the caller-id presentation and
defines if it must be sent before ring starts or in the
first ring pause.
Step Command Purpose
[name](if-fxs)[name]#flash-hook {han-
dle-locally | relay}
Defines processing instance of the flash hook pat-
Default: handle-locally