ISDN interface configuration task list 399
SmartWare Software Configuration Guide 34 • ISDN interface configuration
there is no AOC information from the network. In that case a message containing the value noChargeAvailable
is sent.
The following procedure enables the transmission of AOC message on a per-call basis. That is AOC messages
are sent by the connected phone only if configured for a per-call basis.
Step Command Purpose
node(ctx-ip)[ctx-name]# interface isdn
Go to the ISDN network interface, for which you
want to enable AOC for all calls
node(if-isdn)[if-name]# aoc-s automatic Enables the transmission of AOC-S messages even
if there is no tariff information from the network for
all calls
node(if-isdn)[if-name]# aoc-d automatic Enables the transmission of AOC-D messages even
if there is not charge information from the network
for all calls
node(if-isdn)[if-name]# aoc-e automatic Enables the transmission of AOC-E message even
if there is no charge information from the network
for all calls
Step Command Purpose
node(ctx-ip)[ctx-name]# interface isdn
Go to the ISDN network interface, for which you
want to enable AOC on a per-call basis
node(if-isdn)[if-name]# aoc-s explicit Enables the transmission of AOC-S messages even
if there is no tariff information from the network on
a per-call basis
node(if-isdn)[if-name]# aoc-d explicit Enables the transmission of AOC-D messages even
if there is not charge information from the network
on a per-call basis
node(if-isdn)[if-name]# aoc-e explicit Enables the transmission of AOC-E message even
if there is no charge information from the network
on a per-call basis