Call router configuration task list 500
SmartWare Software Configuration Guide 40 • Call router configuration
The following table lists all drop causes and specifies whether the cause is used for hunting the next destination
or dropping the original call. The behavior can be configured for each hunt group individually for each cause
using the
drop-cause command in the hunt group service mode.
Table 21. Hunt group drop causes
Class Cause
Default Behavior
of the Hunt
Group Service
Normal Event
unallocated-number Drop original call The number is sent in the correct format.
However, the number is not assigned to
the destination equipment.
Drop original call The destination is asked to route the call
through an unrecognized network. This
cause indicates that the equipment send-
ing this cause has received a request to
route the call through a particular transit
network, which it does not recognize. The
equipment sending this cause does not
recognize the transit network either
because the transit network does not exist
or because that particular network, while
it does exist, does not serve the equipment
that is sending this cause.
Drop original call The call routes through an intermediate
network that does not serve the destination
address. The called user cannot be
reached because the network through
which the call has been routed does not
serve the destination desired.
Drop original call The service quality of the specified chan-
nel is insufficient to accept the connection.
The call attempt failed because the chan-
nel cannot be used.
Drop original call The user assigns an incoming call that is
connecting to an already established call
Drop original call Normal call clearing occurs. This cause
indicates that the call is being cleared
because one of the users involved in the
call has requested that the call be cleared.
Under normal situations, the source of this
cause is not the network.
Drop original call The called system acknowledges the con-
nection request but cannot accept the call
because all channels are in use. It is noted
that the user equipment is compatible with
the call.