Call router configuration task list 473
SmartWare Software Configuration Guide 40 • Call router configuration
Note When you specified a national or international prefix using the commands
national-prefix or international-prefix respectively. in the context CS config-
uration mode, the calling or called party number is extended with the speci-
fied prefix and the type-of-number is set to unknown in the incoming
interface. Thus an international number can enter the call-router as
unknown number.
Note This property is only set by incoming ISDN calls. A call that arrives the call
router from a FXS or SIP interface has a number type of Unknown as those
interfaces do not support the number type property.
The call router can route calls according to the following number types. These values beside default can be used
for the key parameter to create a routing table entry:
• unknown—Unknown number type. This is the default value for calls that arrive through an interface that
does not support the number type property.
• international—International number; the number does not include prefix or escape digits.
• national—National number; the number does not include prefix or escape digits.
• network-specific—Network specific number, used to indicate administration or service number specific to
the serving network, e.g. used to access an operator.
• subscriber—Subscriber number; the number does not include prefix or escape digits.
• abbreviated—Abbreviated number.
Example: Calling type-of-number routing table
The following example routes calls with an international calling party number to the next table TAB-INCOM-
ING-INT, calls with a national calling party number to the next table TAB-INCOMING-NAT and all other
calls to the next table TAB-INCOMING-UNKNOWN.
node(cfg)#context cs
node(ctx-cs)[switch]#routing-table calling-type-of-number TON
node(rt-tab)[TON]#route international dest-table TAB-INCOMING-INT
node(rt-tab)[TON]#route national dest-table TAB-INCOMING-NAT
node(rt-tab)[TON]#route default dest-table TAB-INCOMING-UNKNOWN
Numbering plan routing table
The calling party numbering plan or called party numbering plan (calling-number-plan or called-numbering-
plan) table is used to route calls based on the calling or called party numbering plan field in the ISDN setup
message. This can be used to differentiate calls between numbers of an ISDN, data, telex, national standard or
private numbering plan.
Note This call property is only set by incoming ISDN calls. A call that arrives the
call router from a FXS or SIP interface has a numbering plan of unknown.