MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Release 6.0
System Programming
Issue 1
February 1998
Common Administrative Procedures
Page 4-402UDP (Uniform Dial Plan) Routing
UDP Pool Routing 4
Before beginning this procedure, assign tandem tie or PRI trunks to pools. To do
so, see “Trunks to Pools Assignment” on page 4–72
. In UDP routing, routes (1–4)
are associated with patterns, which are assigned first. Each route has various
attributes (FRL, digit absorption, and so on) for call delivery. You may assign from
one to four routes, with Route 1 having the highest priority. Unused routes should
have the highest FRL numbers. Only Route 1 allows Callback queuing.
In many cases, only one pool may be needed. However, multiple pools can help
prioritize certain types of calls and maximize the used of shared facilities.
PRI tandem trunk pools, if available, should be included in the first route.
In Release 6.0 and later systems (Hybrid/PBX mode only), do not provide
dial access to PRI or tie tandem trunk pools or assign these trunk pools to
buttons on telephones. Use ARS to provide access to a remote networked
system’s trunks for making outside calls. System users can reach
extensions on the remote system by using normal calling procedures.
Summary: UDP Pool Routing 4
Programmable by. System Manager
Mode Hybrid/PBX
Idle Condition Not required
Planning Form Non-Local Dial Plan Administration Form in the Installation
Factory Setting Not applicable
Valid Entries Routes (1–4)
Inspect Yes
Copy Option No
Console Procedure
→ →Dial pattern no.→ →
Dial route no.→ → →Dial pool dial-out code→
→ → → →
PC Procedure → →Type pattern no.→ →Type route no.→
→ →Type pool dial-out code→ →
→ → →