MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Release 6.0
System Programming
Issue 1
February 1998
Programming Basics
Page 1-3System Programming Console
— A PC with System Programming and Maintenance (SPM) software.
SPM emulates a system programming console on your PC. The PC
should be connected to the lower port (labeled ADMIN) on the
processor module. A PC with a modem can perform system
programming remotely through the public network or by connecting
to a tip/ring extension jack (012, 016 or 008 OPT module) on the
communications system. A built-in modem in the processor allows
the PC and the communications system to communicate.
■ Extension Programming. This type of programming enables individual
extension users and system operators (except for QCC operators) to
change their extension features to meet individual needs. For details about
extension programming, see the appropriate user and operator guides.
■ Centralized Telephone Programming. This type of programming enables
the system manager to program any feature that can be programmed by
individual extension users or system operators. Some features can be
programmed only in centralized telephone programming. Centralized
telephone programming can be done on the programming console or on a
PC with the SPM software. See Chapter 5, “Centralized Telephone
If your system has the Integrated Solution II or Integrated Solution III
® application, see Chapter 2, “Programming with SPM” for a
list of the appropriate documentation.
System Programming Console 1
The system programming console is an MLX-20L telephone connected to the
system programming jack. When you begin system programming on a new
system for the first time, the console must be connected to the first jack on the first
008 MLX module or 408 GS/LS-MLX module (Release 2.0 and later versions).
This jack is factory set as the system programming jack and as an operator
position. When you program for the first time, you can change the system
programming jack to any one of the first five jacks on the first 008 MLX module or
408 GS/LS-MLX module (Release 2.0 and later versions). This allows you to
program without interfering with the operator’s call handling.
You can also have one or two Direct Station Selectors (DSSs) connected to the
system programming console. Each DSS adds 50 extension buttons to the
console, which facilitates assigning features to extensions.
An MLX-20L telephone with a DSS is shown in Figure 1–1