MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Release 6.0
System Programming
Issue 1
February 1998
Programming Basics
Page 1-8System Programming Console
Unlabeled Display Buttons 1
Use the five unlabeled display buttons on each side of the screen to select
commands, options, or items on the screen. The functions of these buttons vary,
based on the option you select.
If you are using SPM for system programming, the simulated MLX-20L console
screen on your PC screen shows the function keys that correspond to the console
screen selections. This book shows function keys in a box: . For example, to
save an entry, you select
on the console or press on your PC. See
Chapter 2, “Programming with SPM,” for details about using function keys and
additional information about SPM.
Console Overlay 1
The programmable line buttons are on the main part of the console. There are
actually 20 line buttons on the console, but you can use the console overlay to
program up to 34 line buttons on any extension through centralized telephone
programming. Select
to access line buttons 1 through 20 and to
access line buttons 21 to 34. The top line of numbers next to each line button on
the console overlay represents line buttons. See Figure 1–3
Appendix E shows the button diagrams for the telephones used in the
communications system. Refer to this appendix when programming buttons for
other telephones.
When labels or filenames are entered, the letters A through F are displayed on
the MLX-20L console screen. Additional letters can be entered by using line
buttons 1 to 20 to represent letters G through Z. These letters are also displayed
on the top line of the console overlay.