MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Release 6.0
System Programming
Issue 1
February 1998
Programming with SPM
Page 2-31Using SPM
To abort the backup press to return to the SPM Main Menu.
When the backup is complete, press to return to the SPM Main Menu.
Boards 2
The Boards option allows qualified service personnel to add a board to the next
available slot. The system must be idle to use this option. This option is not
available from the system programming console.
The Boards option is also available in surrogate mode. In surrogate mode, you
can assign trunk and extension modules (boards) to slots, even though the boards
have not actually been installed. This type of board is referred to as a “phantom”
or “null” board.
You cannot use the Boards option to change an actual board type. All boards
assigned with the Boards option, including phantom boards, are cleared
(unassigned) if you perform a board renumber (
→ ).
You must assign phantom boards to higher slot numbers than those you
assign to any real boards. If you assign a phantom board to a lower slot
number than a real board, the control unit does not recognize the real
board(s) that follow the phantom board.
= total number of blocks received