MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Release 6.0
System Programming
Issue 1
February 1998
Common Administrative Procedures
Page 4-257Extensions
Behind Switch Mode. An Intercom Ring, an Intercom Voice,
and a prime line button are assigned to all analog multiline
and MLX telephones, excluding operator positions. Two
Intercom Ring buttons and a prime line button are assigned
to tip/ring equipment connected to an 012 module. An
Intercom Ring and an Intercom Originate Only Ring button
are assigned to tip/ring equipment connected by an MFM. No
outside lines are assigned.
Hybrid/PBX Mode. System Access Ring (SA Ring), System
Access Voice (SA Voice), and System Access Originate Only
Ring (SA Orig Only) buttons are assigned to all analog
multiline and MLX telephones, excluding operator positions.
Two System Access Ring buttons and a System Access
Originate Only Ring button are assigned to tip/ring equipment
(for example, single-line telephones or fax machines
connected to an 012 module). No personal line or pool
buttons are assigned.
All Modes. System Access Ring (Hybrid/PBX mode) or
Intercom Ring (Key and Behind Switch modes), System
Access Voice (Hybrid/PBX mode) or Intercom Voice (Key and
Behind Switch modes), and the first 18 through 29 lines
connected to the control unit are assigned to all DLC operator
positions. The number of lines assigned depends on the type
of telephone used as a DLC operator position. Refer to the
appropriate telephone planning form for details.
Valid Entries Not applicable
Inspect Yes: specific button options
Copy Option Yes. (You can copy additional SA buttons to another
extension, but you cannot overwrite SA buttons that are
already assigned.)
Console Procedure To program extension:
→ → →Dial ext. no.→
→ → → → →
To copy extension programming:
→ →Copy ext.→Dial copy from ext. no.→
→Dial copy to ext. no.→ → →
PC Procedure To program extension:
→ → →Type ext. no.→ →
Program extension→ → →
To copy extension programming:
→ → →Type copy from ext. no.→ →
Type copy to ext. no.→ → →