MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Release 6.0
System Programming
Issue 1
February 1998
Common Administrative Procedures
Page 3-72Extensions
Console Procedure To copy to a single extension:
→ → →Dial copy from ext.
→ →Dial copy to ext. no.→ → →
To copy to a block of extensions:
→ → →Dial copy from ext.
→ →Dial ext. no of first extension in block→
→Dial ext. no of last extension in block→
→ →
PC Procedure To copy to a single extension:
→ → →Type copy from ext. no.→ →
Type copy to ext. no.→ → →
To copy to a block of extensions:
→ → →Type copy from ext. no.→ →Type ext.
no. of first extension in block
→ →Type ext. no. of last
extension in block
→ → →
Procedure: Copy Line and Trunk Assignments 3
Console Display/Instructions Additional Information PC
Select the Extensions menu.
Select Line Copy.