Programming with SPM
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MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Release 6.0
System Programming
Issue 1
February 1998
Programming with SPM 2
The System Programming and Maintenance (SPM) software package offers an
alternate method of programming the MERLIN LEGEND Communications System
using a PC. This method frees the system programming console for other uses
and also provides the additional functions listed below:
■ Backing up system programming information
■ Restoring system programming information from a backup
■ Converting system programming information from one release to another
(part of the upgrade procedure)
■ Upgrading the communications system to a newer release
■ Printing, viewing, and storing reports
■ Programming the communications system remotely
■ Programming in surrogate mode
SPM runs on a DOS-based PC as a standalone program or on a UNIX System
platform as part of Intuity, Integrated Solution II, or Integrated Solution III (IS II/III
are discontinued products). It is available on a 3.5-inch diskette for DOS or UNIX,
or on a 5.25 inch diskette for DOS.
SPM software can be used directly from the floppy disks on a DOS
machine; however, if your PC has a hard disk, you should install SPM onto
the hard disk.