MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Release 6.0
System Programming
Issue 1
February 1998
Programming Procedures
Page 4-124Tie Trunks
Tie Trunk Seizure Type 4
Use this procedure to specify whether the seizure type of incoming or outgoing tie
trunk is wink, delay, immediate, or automatic.
In Release 6.0 and later systems, delay-start tie trunks should be used for
The following settings are recommended when T1 facilities are programmed for
tie-trunk emulation to provide special network services [such as Megacom,
Megacom 800, or Software Defined Network (SDN)]:
■ If Automatic Route Selection (ARS) is used for all outgoing calls and no
personal line or Pool buttons are used, assign the wink signaling type. Set
the network to wink.
■ If personal line or Pool buttons (pool or dial-out codes) are used for
outgoing calls, assign the immediate signaling type. Set the network to dial.
Contact your service provider for more information about the dial setting.
■ If Dialed Number Identification Service (DNIS) is used for incoming calls,
assign the wink signaling type. The network is also set to wink. (Setting
both ends to immediate also works.) Contact your service provider for more
information about the appropriate setting.
■ When DNIS is not used for incoming calls, assign the automatic signaling
type. The network is set to automatic.
Summary: Tie Trunk Type 4
Programmable by System Manager
Mode All
Idle Condition Tie trunk idle
Planning Form Form 3c, Incoming Trunks: Tie
Factory Setting Wink
Valid Entries Wink, Delay, Immediate, Automatic
Inspect No
Copy Option Yes
Console Procedure
→ → or →Dial trunk
→ →Specify seizure type→ → →
PC Procedure → →
→Type trunk no.→ →
Specify seizure type→ → →