MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Release 6.0
System Programming
Issue 1
February 1998
Common Administrative Procedures
Page 4-375Automatic Route Selection
2. For Dial 0 and Special Numbers N11 calls routed from systems with only
private trunks, the private trunks must be assigned to the main pool, and
the ARS access code of the remote system must be prepended to the
dialed number (see “Dial 0 Table” on page –393
and “N11 Special
Numbers Tables” on page –390). Therefore, ARS access codes should
be the same.
Summary: Pool Routing 4
Programmable by System Manager
Mode Hybrid/PBX
Idle Condition Not required
Planning Form Form 3f, Automatic Route Selection Tables
Form 3g, Automatic Route Selection Default and
Special Numbers Tables
Factory Setting Not applicable
Valid Entries Not applicable
Inspect No
Copy Option No
Console Procedure
→ → or →Dial table no.
and pool route no.
→ →Dial pool dial-out code→
→ →
PC Procedure → →
→Type table no. and pool route no.→
→Type pool dial-out code → → →
Procedure: Pool Routing 4
Console/Display Instructions Additional Information PC
Select the Tables menu.