R01UH0305EJ0200 Rev.2.00 368
Jul 04, 2013
11.3.11 Registers controlling port function of analog input pins
Set up the registers for controlling the functions of the ports shared with the analog input pins of the A/D converter (port
mode registers (PMxx), port mode control registers (PMCxx), and A/D port configuration register (ADPC)).
For details, see as follows.
• 4.3.1 Port mode registers (PMxx)
• 4.3.6 Port mode control registers (PMCxx)
• 4.3.7 A/D port configuration register (ADPC).
When using the ANI0 to ANI12 pins for analog input of the A/D converter, set the port mode register (PMxx) bit
corresponding to each port to 1 and select analog input through the A/D port configuration register (ADPC).
When using the ANI16 to ANI30 pins for analog input of the A/D converter, set the port mode register (PMxx) bit and
port mode control register (PMCxx) bit corresponding to each port to 1.