
R01UH0305EJ0200 Rev.2.00 102
Jul 04, 2013
4.2.11 Port 14
Port 14 is an I/O port with an output latch. Port 14 can be set to the input mode or output mode in 1-bit units using port
mode register 14 (PM14). When the P140, P141 pins are used as an input port, use of an on-chip pull-up resistor can be
specified in 1-bit units by pull-up resistor option register 14 (PU14).
This port can also be used for clock/buzzer output, and external interrupt request input,
Reset signal generation sets P140, P141 to input mode.
4.2.12 Port 15
Port 15 is an I/O port with an output latch. Port 15 can be set to the input mode or output mode in 1-bit units using port
mode register 15 (PM15).
This port can also be used for A/D converter analog input.
To use P150/ANI8 to P154/ANI12 as digital input pins, set them in the digital I/O mode by using the A/D port
configuration register (ADPC) and in the input mode by using the PM15 register. Use these pins starting from the upper
To use 150/ANI8 to P154/ANI12 as digital output pins, set them in the digital I/O mode by using the A/D port
configuration register (ADPC) and in the output mode by using the PM15 register. Use these pins starting from the upper
To use 150/ANI8 to P154/ANI12 as analog input pins, set them in the analog input mode by using the A/D port
configuration register (ADPC) and in the input mode by using the PM15 register. Use these pins starting from the lower bit.
Table 4-3. Setting Functions of P150/ANI8 to P154/ANI12 Pins
ADPC Register PM15 Register ADS Register P150/ANI8 to P154/ANI12 Pins
Input mode
Digital input Digital I/O selection
Output mode
Digital output
Selects ANI. Analog input (to be converted) Input mode
Does not select ANI. Analog input (not to be converted)
Selects ANI.
Analog input selection
Output mode
Does not select ANI.
Setting prohibited
All P150/ANI8 to P154/ANI12 are set in the analog input mode when the reset signal is generated.