SECTION 200-096-302
With the exception of Busy and Group Station LCD Messaging, all items available with RI software
are available with R2 software; items listed below are available with R2 software and above only. -*’
Item Description
*Related Programs
PESU PCB OJ, Code 25 and 26
Station PCB, supports 2 standard
telephones, 4 electronic telephones
BGM/MOH separation 10-2, key/LED 09
Separates music-on-hold and background
music; 2 music sources required
HDCB, door lock option 39, Code 72,73,74,75 Allows HDCB, port B, to be optioned as a
77-2, key/LED 4, 8, 12, 16 door lock control; 4 maximum
Release key 39, Code 76 Provides more efficient way of releasing
calls (headset or handset)
SMDR, print toll only 60-5 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
Allows system SMDR to send SMDR data
for long distance calls only
Pickup code to selectively pickup
None Provides the call park/page for
CO lines on-hold pickup function for outside call
DISA - same as DISC but allows 60-6 = security code
DISA code must be entered to call out on
access to outgoing
line Port 99 = COS class
CO lines via DISA (optional).
78 assigns DISA CO lines
4-minute disconnect timer (reset-dial “0”).
DISA security code change from 30, key/LED 10
Allows stations designated in programming
to change the DISA code
Call forward busy, no answer, 39 codes: 57 = BNA/604 Calls forward if station is busy, does not
busy/no answer 58 = NAl603 answer, or busy/no answer
59 = BSYI602
FIXED call forward displays on
LCD displays that phone has fixed call
forward set
2 CO line conference with standard
10-I and 15-5
Allows a standard telephone to set up a
telephone conference with 2 CO lines
Distinctive ringing for CO/lnt to
10-2, key/LED 07 on Standard telephone ringing pattern is
standard telephone different between intercom and CO line call
“NAME” display on LCD
None Called LCD displays name/number
of calling station
Auto-preference and pooled line
None Changes off-hook and pooled line
seizure operate like STRATA e
operation to allow fast release/seize
DSS transfers call when answering
None CO lines ring transfer automatically when
another call-like STRATA,
pressing another CO line key-
*All program numbers are underlined in this column.