Toshiba DK56 Telephone User Manual

CO lines must be enabled in
Program 78
the NT pulsating relay function.
3) Access Programs 87, 88, and 89 to set the
CO lines that will activate the relay (when the
system is in the NIGHT mode).
4) Access Program 39 to program a Night
Transfer button (NT1 or NT2) on all tele-
phones that are to transfer the system into the
NIGHT mode.
5) Access Programs 29-1 N 29-4 to program a
Night Transfer button (NT1 or NT2) on all DSS
consoles that are to transfer the system into
the NIGHT mode.
notavailable when a PCTUSI
PCB is installed.
6) If tenant operation is required, access Program
15 to set the CO lines for tenant 1 (m) or
tenant 2 (m) operation.
7A) Set the PI 1 jumper plug on the PIOU or PEPU
to the MAKE or BREAK position, as required:
MAKE-Shorts the normally open con-
tacts (pins 9 and 34) when the night relay
is activated.
BREAK-Opens the normally closed
contacts (pins 9 and 34) when the night
relay is activated.
7B) Solder the jumper W2 on the PIOUS to the
MAKE or BREAK position, as required:
MAKE-Shorts the normally open con-
tacts (NHT and NHR) when the night
relay is activated.
BREAK-Opens the normally closed
contacts (NHT and NHR) when night
relay is activated.
8) Refer to Figures 8-7 and 8-8 for wiring/inter-
connecting details. Connect the PIOU, PI-
OUS, or PEPU to the MDF as required for the
night relay function.
SECTION 200-096-208
Door phones programmed to ring over exter-
nalpage in night mode
(Program 77-i)
db not
activate the NT relay.
4.25 MOH Relay Control. Configure the PIOU,
PIOUS, or PEPU for the MOH relay function in
accordance with the following steps (refer to Fig-
ures 8-7 and 8-8):
Access Program 77-l. Set LED 05 to ON to
configure the Night/MOH relay for the MOH
relay function.
Set the Pll jumper plug on the PIOU or PEPU
to the MAKE or BREAK position, as required:
MAKE-Shorts the normally open con-
tacts (pins 9 and 34) when any CO line is
on hold.
BREAK-Opens the normally closed
contacts (pins 9 and 34) when any CO
line is on hold.
Solder the W2 jumper on the PIOUS to the
MAKE or BREAK oosition, as required:
MAKE-Shorts the normally-open con-
tacts (NHT and NHR) when any CO line
is on hold.
BREAK-Opens the normally closed
contacts (NHT and NHR) when any CO
line is in on hold.
Refer to Figures 8-7 and 8-8 for wiring/inter-
connecting details. Connect the PIOU, PI-
OUS, or PEPU to the MDF as required for the
MOH relay function.
5.00 STRATA DK systems provide three options
utilizing an HESB:
5.01 Loud Ringing Bell Option. The Loud Ring-
ing Bell option allows the voice first or ringing signal
tone to be amplified without the use of other manu-
facturers’ equipment. The voice first and signal
tone can be amplified on all 6500-series electronic