Symptom: When you touch the Recall button or
access the Recall feature, nothing happens.
Possible Cause
Possible Solution
To Investigate Further
1. Your system has
Ask the system administrator
If the system does not have
Automatic Route Selection
if the system has ARS. If the
ARS, go to Possible Cause 2.
system has ARS, the Recall
button or feature can’t be
2. The Recall Timer Interval
Follow the instructions for If the Recall feature still does
is too short.
“Recall Timer Interval” on
not work, set the system back
page 3-90 for Display to the default setting of 450
Console administration or
milliseconds and contact the
3-106 for BIS-34D Console
equipment Supplier for
administration. Increase the
Recall Timer Interval to 650
milliseconds or one second
If the Recall feature works,
you have corrected the
4-52 Procedures for Specific Symptoms